Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Lou Grant

This is yet another spin off from the "Mary Tyler Moore Show", and the character of Lou Grant, played by Edward Asnar. Lou Grant is  the city editor at The Los Angeles Tribune, and the series ran from 1977 to 1982.

The series was based on Lou and his reporters getting stories out, sometimes he would be in dispute with the powerful owners an businesses, other times he would be against the reporters. But in all cases he was a newspaper man  who wanted the truth to be told, no matter what.

The show  ran for 114 episodes and still had high ratings at its finish, in its time , the series won 13 Emmy awards, and Ed won "Outstanding Support Actor in A Comedy Series" Lead Actor In A Drama Series", The show  won a Peabody Award and Two Golden Globes.

The main cast

Ed Asner who played Lou Grant was born in 1929, and during his career in the 1970s starred in  "Roots","Police Story","Hawaii Five O", AND "Rhoda".

Robert Walden played Joe  Rossi, and played in "Hunter","The Streets Of San Francisco" and also "Roots".

Mason Adams born 1919, died 2005, played  Charles Hume in the series, also starred in "Another World".

The unofficial website of Lou Grant

Here is a full episode of Lou Grant.
Please note it will not work in certain territories.

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